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Donna J Skincare

Donna Mintz
New York, NY, USA

One day I looked in the mirror and didn’t like what I saw, the lines, wrinkles, dark spots and sagging of a woman much older than my years. I hated this and decided to do something about it.

I started first by using my background in cooking and holistic nutrition because I know that what you put on your skin isn’t the only ingredient to younger looking skin, the skin is a direct reflection to the health of the gut, I needed to get mine healthy.

I did see changes, but not enough and decided to go to school at to learn about the skin, what happened to mine (hint: I had way too much fun in my 20’s and 30’s), how to correct it and became certified in anti-aging.

Our skin is our largest organ and everything we come into contact with can potentially be absorbed through it into the body and bloodstream. We are exposed to hundreds of toxic chemicals from our personal care products daily and many have
the potential to cause cancer, disrupt hormones or cause damage to DNA.  

That blew my mind, and to be honest, scared the crap out of me.

Originally, I created skincare products for myself, to provide the results I was looking to achieve using only natural and organic ingredients and quickly noticed positive changes in my skin.

My friends noticed too and asked me if I had a facelift, it was then that Donna J Skincare was born.

Today, I help woman look and feel younger by combining amazing skincare with education in nutrition and lifestyle.

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